

It becomes the biggest purpose that the handball gets a score from the goal of the partner. To that end, the technique of the shot is important is pointed, and there are various kinds of rules again, too. I introduce the main kind of the shot.

At first it is a step shot. It is a method to hit without jumping after I step on a basic step by the handball. Because I bring a foot in the ground, a center of gravity is hard to collapse, and there is power. Because it is a different timing that jump and beat, what is easy to take the goal keeper by surprise features it. In addition, I am used a lot because it is easy to aim at a gap of the defense when I aim with a window shade. The window shade is the shooting to aim at from the blind spot of the partner goal keeper as if overlapping with defense. Because a ball seems to come out from a goal keeper suddenly, it is hard to catch it.

It is jump shot next. It is important and is used in the handball in the same way as a step most. Because I jump and beat, I can hit it with an expensive RBI from defense. Because they must take the posture in the air, muscular strength, sense of balance are necessary.

It is a shot from distance to the third. From around 9m, I fry and aim at a score from defense. The tall player is very advantageous.

It is a side shot to the fourth. For a goal of around 6m, I jump from the small place of the angle and aim at a score. There is the most number of the shots in a game.

It is a post shot to the fifth. For a goal of around 6m, I aim at a score from the large place of the angle. Because an angle is wide, the shot establishment is high.

It is a window shade shot to the sixth. As for this shot, an acrobatic carriage is found. I knock down a body like a side turn aside and hit a shot from the dominant hand and the other side. It is considerably high technique, but I am effective in surprising the GK and am a shot to become lively very much if selected.

There is the kind of the above mentioned shot.

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