
10.defence system

There are six kinds of defense systems by the handball.

At first it is 6-0 defense. The form that a player corresponding to the offence where six people stand in this on a 6m line and invaded jumps out. There is a good point not to let you release the movement of the post, but the long shoot is easy to be hit to go down, and to protect it.

It is 5-1 defense to the second. The form that five people lined up a long the 6m line, and one jumped out. I have the role that the one who jumped out before interferes with the pass of the partner. The battle formation that I keep a line of 0-6 and am easy to follow. abundant footwork is demanded form former one.

It is 4-2 defense to the third. A team with the footwook uses it generally than 5-1. It is easy to interfere with the game of a pass and the partner, but the neighborhood of 6m I line and the post become vacant by just that much. Rather than the tact ice to use through one game, it is often used by the strategy such as the surprise attack.

It is 3-2-1 defense to the fourth. If make three pieces of defense lines,and three people, two people are alone sequentially on 6m line a form to form a line. It is easy to stop the movement of the floater, but needs an abundant momentum. There is a fault that follow becomes difficult when I was able to blunder and is easy to move the post freely, but because there are many advantages, representatives from Japan are
professional and are good and are used.

It is 3-3 defense to the fifth. Defense that three people line up along the 6m line and press for back play yeah at the position that remaining three people are high in. Because it is hard to outrun you as offence if
it functions efficiently, it is professional and is good, and Korean
representative is used.

Finally there is man-to-man defense. A method of the defense that to be severe, and one of the defense adheres for the player for a player having high score power including the ace of the partner and marks. A
player accompanied by a one-to-one is free; when the offense depends on the player having high score power not to be able to move, become hard to get a score very. As for the player of the defense side that a one-to one gets, the player who is high in ability for footwork and defense is right person.


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