
5. Foul

As for the handball, one of the fouls has the foul for the ball. Hold a ball in a hand, and run to three steps, and walk, and it is possible, but called the no longer over step is violated the rules. In addition, it is good with holding a ball in a hand until three seconds, but is a foul called the over time more. It is good to dribble with one hand in succession, but it is a double dribble that dribble again and is not permitted after having caught the ball which I bounced with both hands. And I kick a ball and must not pass it. In addition, it is the foul for the ball not to have to touch the ball with a leg or a foot.

The second includes a foul of the movement for the partner. It is good to knock down using an arm and the hand to get a ball and the ball which the partner has with one hand. However, the first is not permitted. In addition, it is allowed to prevent a partner with one’s body (tripping) to stretch out a body before a partner to face with (

Charging) who catch it (holding) to overwhelm (pushing) is a foul.

I explain the rule of the goal area to the third. Only a goal keeper puts the goal area. But it is permitted when I step after field play yeah threw a ball when it gives a counterpart no disadvantage. In addition, the space on the goal area does not have the limit.

I explain the rule of the goal keeper to the fourth. The goal keeper is a whole body; every; can defend it, and is allowed to use a foot and the leg when is shot. I have a ball without a limit and, in the goal area, can move. However, you must not appear outside the goal area remaining it with the ball and must not bring a ball out of the area into the area. The goal keeper can play outside the goal area, but, in that case, a rule same as field play yeah is applied. The change of the player is free, and it is possible again and again anytime.

Above-mentioned four become the foul of the handball. When I violate the rules, I begin with a partner ball. A further dangerous play becomes the penal regulations.

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