
3.The size of ball

The size of the coat does not change at age unlike soccer , and, by the handball , the size of the ball only changes .
Because size and the weight of the ball are fixed in a rule , as for the high school student boy , the general boy , as for the 3 ball , the junior high student , the high school student girl , the general girl , 2 ball , lower than primary schoolchild use a 1 ball .

As for the 3 ball , circumference is 58-60cm , and weight is approximately 425 g - 475 g .
The kind varies ; called the thing for exclusive use of the thing for exclusive use of the indoor court ,
 the outdoor ground because is different , must choose him what kind of place use it at .
It is enough with a classic thing to do the exercisein individuals because it does not have to be a particularly
 sometimes superior model to want to have one's ball .In addition , I can touch power while improving muscular strength
 by being heavier than a formulaball to use in games , and practicing it with a ballfor made training .
When I really used the formula ball by practicing with a heavy ball , it is light and feels it, and a strong ,
 fast ball comes to be thrown .

As for the 2 ball , circumference is 54-56cm , and weight is approximately 325 g - 375 g .
Because the movement that the handball catches a ball and gives up is basic , in the case of the junior 
high student for the stage of growth and awoman player , it is still to the size that this handball 2 is just right 
because a hand is smaller than a public boy .
The boy player of the junior high student is handball 2 , and it is thought exercise and that a high school student 
can not play it well when I have been used to it when I play a game when the size ofthe ball changes suddenly after it was .

As for the 1 ball, circumference is approximately 50-52cm, and weight is 255g-280g.
It is a ball for primary schoolchildren.

Mikasaball and a molartenball are used at the time of game mainly.
I like it is easy to grasp the ball Molartenball.


2.Full time

 The competition time for handball, full time is different by target age.
At first we have the first half of the game for the handball, and it is a latter half of a game after a break. Still extra time is established when a game is not decided. When even the extra time is not decided, it becomes the 7m contest.

 A primary schoolchild is half 20 minutes 20 minutes later in the first half , and a junior high student is 25 minutes, and for the basic full time, more than high school student are 30 minutes. As for the break after the first half, all age is ten minutes. In addition, the extra time is ten minutes, too, and all age is the same.

 This is because it considers a physical problem not to mention what separate full time at age in this way.

 Field play yeah performs throwing from a goal keeper at a position of 7m , and at first by three people face the 7m throw contest .The victory of the team at the time of the third end with many winners .It will be repeated until I exceed one point by a sudden death method in the case of a tie score last .I put it together in the pre- latter half except the extra time and can request the time-out of 60 seconds each three times .

 Because full time is short , a point is not includedvery much , but , in the case of a primary schoolchild , a point can enjoy the entering nearly 30points audience side when it becomes than a high school student .I play handball since the days of a primary schoolchild , but full time gets longer as I grow up and feels it because a lot of points enter if fun at all .

 Full time is the first half and the latter half of 30 minutes and thinks the handball to have you enjoyit towards the audience willingly without getting tired because it is not long .One game is over in no time when I do it myself.

However , I feel the handball very quick in gamedevelopment that this full time will be just right .


1.The history

Handball is sports that two sets throw a ball into the goal of the partner and compete for a game by seven. Basic three elements in the exercise to hop to give up to run are bought and are the synthesis sports that the fight like element called the body contact is included in more.

Remains of Athens thought to be the thing of about B.C. 600 can watch the competition similar to handball. The 11 people system whom Conrad Koch devised in Germany in seven system and the 1910s when Danish ホルガー Nielsen devised the modern handball to be over in the 19th century is origin. The 11 people system who spread around Berlin was mainstream at first, but was gradually shifted to seven system.

 The handball became the Olympic event from the eleventh Berlin meeting in 1936 , but it was off an Olympic event afterwards and revived in the 20th Munich meeting in 1972 .The girl competition becomes the Olympic event from the 21st Montreal meeting in 1976 .

 It was about Japanese Society of Physical Education summer course by Buichi Otani performed in July, 1922 that handball was introduced by Japan for the first time .
I join the federation of international amateur handball founded in 1928 in the name of Japan  Association of Athletic Federations .The first all-Japan championship was held in December, 1937 .The handball has changed a throw and the name until handball name revival of April, 1948 from all over World War II .